Family Chronicle: 2005

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12 EVENTS OF 2005

  1. The publication of the monograph of Irina «Financial Instability and New Challenges for Developing Countries»
    (January, 14)
  2. Andrei Betmakaev's murder, senior brother Alexei
    (January, 23)
  3. The loss of cat Soames
    (May, 16)
  4. The sale of a garden which was processed by the grandmother and mum more a quarter of a century
    (June, 3)
  5. The departure of our friend Daniel Khazanov to a constant residence
    in the USA
    (June, 20)
  6. Conquest of mountain Sinjukha
    (July, 23)
  7. The death in car accident of «people's governor» M.S. Evdokimov
    (August, 6)
  8. The publication of 3 volumes of  «History of Germany» – the end of  «the German project»
     (September, 27)
  9. The rescue of kitten Chris
    (October, 23)
  10. Alexei's meeting in Moscow with his friend Dima Guzarev from Petersburg after 15 years of separation
    (October, 29)
  11. Congratulations of German relatives –
    Thomas, Anette, Marah und Martin Butzbach from Niederkrüchten
    – for Maxim  with the  13th birthday (November, 15)
  12. The 30th anniversary  of faculty of World history and the international relations
    (December, 27)

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